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This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to our customer support web. We'll also place notices here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and work-arounds that may affect all customers. When bugs reported by our customers get fixed, we'll place a notice here, along with an estimate of when the fix will be made available.
- Beginning with Quicken 2005 for Windows, QIF Import will no longer be available for most account types.
- The QIF definition remains supported in the Quicken 2004 software. Please select the Quicken V10 option on the MYM2QIFW V5.45 - QIF Types and MYM Version Options screen when the destination application is Quicken 2004. After importing the data into Quicken 2004, please visit each of the bank account register and accept all of the imported transactions into the register.
- The QIF definition remains supported in the Quicken 2003 software. Please select the Quicken V10 option on the MYM2QIFW V5.45 - QIF Types and MYM Version Options screen when the destination application is Quicken 2003. After importing the data into Quicken 2003, please visit each of the bank account register and accept all of the imported transactions into the register.
- The QIF definition remains supported in the Quicken 2002 software. Please select the Quicken V10 option on the MYM2QIFW V5.45 - QIF Types and MYM Version Options screen when the destination application is Quicken 2002. After importing the data into Quicken 2002, please visit each of the bank account register and accept all of the imported transactions into the register.
Wednesday, July 18th, 01
- M2Q newsgroup made available for discussion
- This newsgroup is a substitute for the Discussion page. Eventually this discussion will be merged with that at the Discussion page. Typically a usenet news client such as Outlook Express is used to access newsgroups.
Monday, Feb 5th, 01
- MYM2QIFW V5.45 made available for FTP download
- This update adds handling for some extra column info in some bank specific versions. Export of a Card.csv and Merchant.csv files is added to allow import of the payee address list in Quicken Home & Business version.
Thursday, June 15th, 00
- MYM2QIFW V5.43 made available for FTP download
- This update uses a replacement for the built in VB3 date functions that do not format the year 2000+ dates are required. This update only affects the output for direct MYM DOS translations because four digit years are already stored in the MYM Win datasets.
Monday, May 29th, 00
- MYM2QIFW V5.42 made available for FTP download
- This update list the duplicate rows when an error 3022 duplicate key is found in a MYM dataset. The payee address is output with the transactions in the QIF file. There is better error handling in the Open Database section. An error in the transaction total is corrected for transactions that have greater than 30 split allocations.
Tuesday, March 5th, 00
- MYM2QIFW V5.38 made available for FTP download
- This update allows for a substitute mym2qifw.mdb file to be used for the purpose of repairing a corrupted MYM dataset. There is also additional debugging information written to the log file, from the investment account Xin and Xout section.
Sunday, December 12th, 99
- MYM2QIFW V5.37 made available for FTP download
- This update has a correction to the method for writing investment income transactions. Stock split transactions are relocated in the output files. It has other minor adjustments.
Tuesday, October 12th, 99
- MYM2QIFW V5.35 made available for FTP download
- This update writes either the original MYM Win security type names or corresponding default QIF security type names, into the security list. Previously only the MYM type number was written. This version also has added handling for MYM Win transactions that contain a greater number of split allocations.
Friday, July 2nd, 99
- MYM2QIFW V5.34 made available for FTP download
- Minor update with our new company address added in place of our previous address in the documentation and log file. An additional help file (mym2qifw.pdf) was added. These instructions pertain only to the MYM Windows data translation and import into Quicken. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read and/or print this file.
Thursday, April 22nd, 99
- MYM2QIFW V5.32 made available for FTP download
- This update eliminates the limitation on the number of transactions in one register during the MYM Win translation. It also improves the handling for transactions with dates greater than 12/31/99. This version uses Loan Account names to make corresponding category allocations for principle amounts in the resulting QIF files, where previously it was left blank. Descriptions for all errors were added, where previously only the error number was listed.
Thursday, February 11th, 99
- RMSortQIF V1.00 made available for FTP download
- RMSortQIF reads any QIF file that is selected for input. RMSortQIF records all transactions from the !Type:Invst sections for all accounts within the QIF file. RMSortQIF then writes one QIF for each security. Each of these output QIF files contain all of the transactions found for the one particular security, and are named using that securities name. RMSortQIF can append transactions from multiple input QIF files into the same set of output files.
Friday, December 25th, 98
- MYM2QIFW V5.25 made available for FTP download
- We added the automatic export of security ticker symbols and security type for import into Quicken99.
Friday, December 9th, 98
- MYM2QIFW V5.23 made available for FTP download
- This is a minor update that checks account names, the system date format, and includes a designation for Quicken99.
Thursday, December 3rd, 98
- Our discussion group application was improved by changing from the one based on WebBots to one driven by Exchange Server. Previously the files would get out of sync when "publishing" from a maintenance server.
- We are providing a discussion group where people can post articles about problems they encounter, or tips and tricks that other users might want to know about. The discussion supports threads, so you will be able to post a reply to another user's comments. We will be tuned in to this discussion as well, and will reply to questions posted here.
Friday, June 19th, 98
- MYM2QIFW V5.22 made available for FTP download
- This update just corrects a year 2000 bug on the registration screen.
Sunday, Dec 21st, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.21 made available for FTP download
- This update simply adds the OPEN_BAL (purchase price) and OPEN_DATE (purchase date) to the Inventor.csv Home Inventory export file. The help file in the destination application describes how to import the Inventor.csv and SecHist.csv CSV files.
Monday, Nov 22th, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.20 made available for FTP download
- This version corrected an error that was added in V5.19 that involved writing split allocations in the destination transfer transaction when the originating transfer allocation is in a split. Although the allocations are listed that way in MYM Windows, we need them only on the originating side in QIF files. Versions of MYM2QIFW prior to V5.17 did not have the error.
Monday, Nov 10th, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.19 made available for FTP download
- This version has an export for the Home Inventory data to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. Also the SecurityHistory is exported to a CSV file instead of writing to a register account, as it was in V5.16. The help file in the destination application describes how to import the Inventor.csv and SecHist.csv CSV files.
Friday, Oct 31st, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.17 made available for FTP download
- This version has a new method to handle split allocations, which allows the MYM Windows portfolio account transactions with splits to be processed. In the past only the total amount was written for these. Now the split allocations are used to make separate portfolio transactions. The money side account split allocations are processed as they were previously.
Monday, Sept 15th, 97
Sunday, Aug 23rd, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.16 made available for FTP download
- This version addresses problems with "ALLOC_TYPE not found" and "Error 6" when processing the SecurityHistory account.
Monday, July 18th, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.13 made available for FTP download
- This version includes the security table in the "non-unique index" option. Of course the "non-unique index" option is only a work around for corrupted data tables. It should not be selected under normal circumstances.
Sunday, July 13th, 97
- MYM2QIFW support web placed on-line
Saturday, July 12th, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.12 made available for FTP download
- This version adds the import of security price histories
- This version includes a correction for the "Type50SplitSnap<>95" error
Wednesday, Mar 5th, 97
- MYM2QIFW V5.10 made available for FTP download
- A specified date range can be output, to facilitate routine processing of data retrieved from online banking service.
Thursday, Aug 22cd, 96
- MYM2QIFW V4.95 made available for FTP download
- This version translates MYM DOS and MYM Windows data.
Sunday, March 26th, 95
- MYMD2QIF V2.7 made available for FTP download
- This version translates MYM DOS data to QIF files.
- ComponentName Patch #1 made available for FTP download
- add memorized transactions to the translation
- add budget amounts to the category translation function
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MYM2QIFW is a trademark of Response Mechanics, Inc. All
other product names, referenced herein, are registered trade names of their respective
companies. Neither Bank Of America, Intuit, MECA, Microsoft, NationsBank, nor any of their
subsidiaries or affiliates warrants the effectiveness or accuracy of the MYM2QIFW
translation software. The limited warranty is stated on the first screen viewed when
MYM2QIFW runs.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to
Copyright © 1997 Response Mechanics. Your privacy. All rights reserved. Last modified: Saturday February 21, 2004 by Ranny Meier.